



On Wednesday, 14 February from 5:00 pm to midnight everyone is invited to play with the "Slots for lovers" at Ca 'Noghera and receive many gifts, such as wellness packages with romantic tours and non-convertible slot ticket offered by the Venice Casino.

Special Valentine's Jackpot with € 2,220.00 up for grabs with the random system from 8:30 pm to 2:00 am.

Valentine's dinner at a cost of 45.00 euros per person. Compulsory booking on EventBrite.


Aperitivo di benvenuto

Salmone marinato, anice stellato e carciofi scottati 
Risotto con verdure e gamberi di laguna mantecato allo champagne
Filetto di branzino in crosta di patate con pomodorini e capperi
Cuore morbido al cioccolato bianco e lamponi

Selezione di vini frizzanti e bianchi della nostra cantina


The sole purpose of the "Slots for lovers" is to entertain the customers of Venice Casino. All gifts given out are considered as gifts offered by the gaming house.

The Random Jackpot system is active on over 80% of the slot machines. Slot machines excluded from promotion will be flagged with a special sticker.
Venice Casino reserves the right to suspend or terminate the promotion on the basis of its unquestionable assessments, for any reason, even during the event.